

(Some of my nail art)

I admit, painting nails is one of my favorite things to do. I love retro talons, classic, short red nails and the whole new ideas [like those melting black). As far as the nails go my role model is Lana Del Rey.



Sometimes I feel so old because I'm already eighteen, but then I make a wallpaper like this and think; "Nope, you're still a teenage girl having crush on famous, rich men... And you still have one year left to have your braces taken off."

I spent this week on lying in bed and watching Twin Peaks because of my illness. Oh, agent Cooper. They said the Spring is coming, but I can't see it, we still have snow lying on the ground; it's like it wants to melt but something is stopping it. Yes, it's the best weather to catch a cold!

I crave summer and heat, I love the sweaty weather, high temperatures don't bother me. I spent my last summer lying on the lawn in my favorite shorts, reading Lolita and drinking frappe.
This year it won't be possible because I'm moving to the new, tiny apartment, so I guess I'll have to find a way to get on a roof of the building to catch some light or finally go to the summer pool which is placed near my town. Half naked girls and boys playing volleyball, eating ice cream, having fun in water while Lady Gaga's Alejandro is playing from huge speakers.
But first- Spring!


Good night my fine knight
Lying in white.

I'll kiss your eyes, allright?
Hope you wouldn't mind.

I won't sleep at night
Hold my pillow tight.

Cry quiet, like a child
Protect you from light.

Stroke the sheets wright
When you turn on a side.


Q: If you could live in the world of a movie, which one would it be?

I saw this question somewhere on the internet and when I started to think about which movie would be a good place to live it almost blew my mind, because I couldn't choose only one! The first thing that came to my mind was: oh how perfect would it be to run barefoot around St. Tropez, making men blush and driving then crazy like Brigitte Bardot did it in And God Created Woman (1956).

Then I thought of Lolita, actually the both of the Lolitas 1962 & 1997. Beautiful times. Me hanging around the USA in cute, fancy clothes with a handsome old man by my side. Such a tempting occasion.

My quest didn't end up on that! My next idea was so obvious that I couldn't believe I didn't thought about it in the very beginning; Twin Peaks (tv series from 1990-1991). What was the most tempting thing to choose Twin Peaks? Everything! I love crime stories, (I read a galore of Agatha Christie's books). Quite small town covered in a fog of mysteries and crimes- perfect place for me to be! And the second thing: exquisite characters. Oh, agent Cooper, you stole my heart from the very first episode...
So yes, I think that if I had to choose one movie world to live in I'd definitely go for the Twin Peaks.

Forgive me, I couldn't resist to post this picture!
And now the question for you: If you could live in the world of a movie, which one would it be?