
Q: If you could live in the world of a movie, which one would it be?

I saw this question somewhere on the internet and when I started to think about which movie would be a good place to live it almost blew my mind, because I couldn't choose only one! The first thing that came to my mind was: oh how perfect would it be to run barefoot around St. Tropez, making men blush and driving then crazy like Brigitte Bardot did it in And God Created Woman (1956).

Then I thought of Lolita, actually the both of the Lolitas 1962 & 1997. Beautiful times. Me hanging around the USA in cute, fancy clothes with a handsome old man by my side. Such a tempting occasion.

My quest didn't end up on that! My next idea was so obvious that I couldn't believe I didn't thought about it in the very beginning; Twin Peaks (tv series from 1990-1991). What was the most tempting thing to choose Twin Peaks? Everything! I love crime stories, (I read a galore of Agatha Christie's books). Quite small town covered in a fog of mysteries and crimes- perfect place for me to be! And the second thing: exquisite characters. Oh, agent Cooper, you stole my heart from the very first episode...
So yes, I think that if I had to choose one movie world to live in I'd definitely go for the Twin Peaks.

Forgive me, I couldn't resist to post this picture!
And now the question for you: If you could live in the world of a movie, which one would it be?


1 comment:

  1. I would like to be agent 007, especially when he was played by Connery or Moore. The world was simplier back then, everyone had style and even mortal enemies respected eachother. I wrote in english as well, so more visitors can appreciate my post ;)
    And I send you my poem on mail. Maybe it's not world class poem, but it's honest and it's my first poem that I decided to send to someone, so don't be rough on me :)
